Source code for linear_operator.utils.minres

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import torch

from linear_operator import settings
from linear_operator.utils.broadcasting import _pad_with_singletons

[docs] def minres( matmul_closure, rhs, eps=1e-25, shifts=None, value=None, max_iter=None, preconditioner=None, ): r""" Perform MINRES to find solutions to :math:`(\mathbf K + \alpha \sigma \mathbf I) \mathbf x = \mathbf b`. Will find solutions for multiple shifts :math:`\sigma` at the same time. :param callable matmul_closure: Function to perform matmul with. :param torch.Tensor rhs: The vector :math:`\mathbf b` to solve against. :param torch.Tensor shifts: (default None) The shift :math:`\sigma` values. If set to None, then :math:`\sigma=0`. :param float value: (default None) The multiplicative constant :math:`\alpha`. If set to None, then :math:`\alpha=0`. :param int max_iter: (default None) The maximum number of minres iterations. If set to None, then uses the constant stored in :obj:`linear_operator.settings.max_cg_iterations`. :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: The solves :math:`\mathbf x`. The shape will correspond to the size of `rhs` and `shifts`. """ # Default values if torch.is_tensor(matmul_closure): matmul_closure = matmul_closure.matmul mm_ = matmul_closure if preconditioner is None: preconditioner = lambda x: x.clone() if shifts is None: shifts = torch.tensor(0.0, dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) # Scale the rhs squeeze = False if rhs.dim() == 1: rhs = rhs.unsqueeze(-1) squeeze = True rhs_norm = rhs.norm(2, dim=-2, keepdim=True) rhs_is_zero = rhs_norm = rhs_norm.masked_fill_(rhs_is_zero, 1) rhs = rhs.div(rhs_norm) # Use the right number of iterations if max_iter is None: max_iter = settings.max_cg_iterations.value() max_iter = min(max_iter, rhs.size(-2) + 1) # Epsilon (to prevent nans) eps = torch.tensor(eps, dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) # Create space for matmul product, solution prod = mm_(rhs) if value is not None: prod.mul_(value) # Resize shifts shifts = _pad_with_singletons(shifts, 0, prod.dim() - shifts.dim() + 1) solution = torch.zeros(shifts.shape[:1] + prod.shape, dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) # Variables for Lanczos terms zvec_prev2 = torch.zeros_like(prod) zvec_prev1 = rhs.clone().expand_as(prod).contiguous() qvec_prev1 = preconditioner(zvec_prev1) alpha_curr = torch.empty(prod.shape[:-2] + (1, prod.size(-1)), dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) alpha_shifted_curr = torch.empty(solution.shape[:-2] + (1, prod.size(-1)), dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) beta_prev = (zvec_prev1 * qvec_prev1).sum(dim=-2, keepdim=True).sqrt_() beta_curr = torch.empty_like(beta_prev) tmpvec = torch.empty_like(qvec_prev1) # Divide by beta_prev zvec_prev1.div_(beta_prev) qvec_prev1.div_(beta_prev) # Variables for the QR rotation # 1) Components of the Givens rotations cos_prev2 = torch.ones(solution.shape[:-2] + (1, rhs.size(-1)), dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) sin_prev2 = torch.zeros(solution.shape[:-2] + (1, rhs.size(-1)), dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) cos_prev1 = torch.ones_like(cos_prev2) sin_prev1 = torch.zeros_like(sin_prev2) radius_curr = torch.empty_like(cos_prev1) cos_curr = torch.empty_like(cos_prev1) sin_curr = torch.empty_like(cos_prev1) # 2) Terms QR decomposition of T subsub_diag_term = torch.empty_like(alpha_shifted_curr) sub_diag_term = torch.empty_like(alpha_shifted_curr) diag_term = torch.empty_like(alpha_shifted_curr) # Variables for the solution updates # 1) The "search" vectors of the solution # Equivalent to the vectors of Q R^{-1}, where Q is the matrix of Lanczos vectors and # R is the QR factor of the tridiagonal Lanczos matrix. search_prev2 = torch.zeros_like(solution) search_prev1 = torch.zeros_like(solution) search_curr = torch.empty_like(search_prev1) search_update = torch.empty_like(search_prev1) # 2) The "scaling" terms of the search vectors # Equivalent to the terms of V^T Q^T rhs, where Q is the matrix of Lanczos vectors and # V is the QR orthonormal of the tridiagonal Lanczos matrix. scale_prev = beta_prev.repeat(shifts.size(0), *([1] * beta_prev.dim())) scale_curr = torch.empty_like(scale_prev) # Terms for checking for convergence solution_norm = torch.zeros( *solution.shape[:-2], solution.size(-1), dtype=solution.dtype, device=solution.device, ) search_update_norm = torch.zeros_like(solution_norm) # Maybe log if settings.verbose_linalg.on(): settings.verbose_linalg.logger.debug( f"Running MINRES on a {rhs.shape} RHS for {max_iter} iterations (tol={settings.minres_tolerance.value()}). " f"Output: {solution.shape}." ) # Perform iterations for i in range(max_iter + 2): # Perform matmul prod = mm_(qvec_prev1) if value is not None: prod.mul_(value) # Get next Lanczos terms # --> alpha_curr, beta_curr, qvec_curr torch.mul(prod, qvec_prev1, out=tmpvec) torch.sum(tmpvec, -2, keepdim=True, out=alpha_curr) zvec_curr = prod.addcmul_(alpha_curr, zvec_prev1, value=-1).addcmul_(beta_prev, zvec_prev2, value=-1) qvec_curr = preconditioner(zvec_curr) torch.mul(zvec_curr, qvec_curr, out=tmpvec) torch.sum(tmpvec, -2, keepdim=True, out=beta_curr) beta_curr.sqrt_() beta_curr.clamp_min_(eps) zvec_curr.div_(beta_curr) qvec_curr.div_(beta_curr) # Perform JIT-ted update conv = _jit_minres_updates( solution, shifts, eps, qvec_prev1, alpha_curr, alpha_shifted_curr, beta_prev, beta_curr, cos_prev2, cos_prev1, cos_curr, sin_prev2, sin_prev1, sin_curr, radius_curr, subsub_diag_term, sub_diag_term, diag_term, search_prev2, search_prev1, search_curr, search_update, scale_prev, scale_curr, search_update_norm, solution_norm, ) # Check convergence criterion if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: torch.norm(search_update, dim=-2, out=search_update_norm) torch.norm(solution, dim=-2, out=solution_norm) conv = search_update_norm.div_(solution_norm).mean().item() if conv < settings.minres_tolerance.value(): break # Update terms for next iteration # Lanczos terms zvec_prev2, zvec_prev1 = zvec_prev1, prod qvec_prev1 = qvec_curr beta_prev, beta_curr = beta_curr, beta_prev # Givens rotations terms cos_prev2, cos_prev1, cos_curr = cos_prev1, cos_curr, cos_prev2 sin_prev2, sin_prev1, sin_curr = sin_prev1, sin_curr, sin_prev2 # Search vector terms) search_prev2, search_prev1, search_curr = ( search_prev1, search_curr, search_prev2, ) scale_prev, scale_curr = scale_curr, scale_prev # For rhs-s that are close to zero, set them to zero solution.masked_fill_(rhs_is_zero, 0) if squeeze: solution = solution.squeeze(-1) rhs = rhs.squeeze(-1) rhs_norm = rhs_norm.squeeze(-1) if shifts.numel() == 1: # If we weren't shifting we shouldn't return a batch output solution = solution.squeeze(0) return solution.mul_(rhs_norm)
def _jit_minres_updates( solution, shifts, eps, qvec_prev1, alpha_curr, alpha_shifted_curr, beta_prev, beta_curr, cos_prev2, cos_prev1, cos_curr, sin_prev2, sin_prev1, sin_curr, radius_curr, subsub_diag_term, sub_diag_term, diag_term, search_prev2, search_prev1, search_curr, search_update, scale_prev, scale_curr, search_update_norm, solution_norm, ): # Start givens rotation # Givens rotation from 2 steps ago torch.mul(sin_prev2, beta_prev, out=subsub_diag_term) torch.mul(cos_prev2, beta_prev, out=sub_diag_term) # Compute shifted alpha torch.add(alpha_curr, shifts, out=alpha_shifted_curr) # Givens rotation from 1 step ago torch.mul(alpha_shifted_curr, cos_prev1, out=diag_term).addcmul_(sin_prev1, sub_diag_term, value=-1) sub_diag_term.mul_(cos_prev1).addcmul_(sin_prev1, alpha_shifted_curr) # 3) Compute next Givens terms torch.mul(diag_term, diag_term, out=radius_curr).addcmul_(beta_curr, beta_curr).sqrt_() cos_curr = torch.div(diag_term, radius_curr, out=cos_curr) sin_curr = torch.div(beta_curr, radius_curr, out=sin_curr) # 4) Apply current Givens rotation diag_term.mul_(cos_curr).addcmul_(sin_curr, beta_curr) # Update the solution # --> search_curr, scale_curr solution # 1) Apply the latest Givens rotation to the Lanczos-rhs ( ||rhs|| e_1 ) # This is getting the scale terms for the "search" vectors torch.mul(scale_prev, sin_curr, out=scale_curr).mul_(-1) scale_prev.mul_(cos_curr) # 2) Get the new search vector torch.addcmul(qvec_prev1, sub_diag_term, search_prev1, value=-1, out=search_curr) search_curr.addcmul_(subsub_diag_term, search_prev2, value=-1) search_curr.div_(diag_term) # 3) Update the solution torch.mul(search_curr, scale_prev, out=search_update) solution.add_(search_update)