Source code for linear_operator.utils.contour_integral_quad

import math
import warnings

import torch

from linear_operator import settings
from linear_operator.utils.linear_cg import linear_cg
from linear_operator.utils.minres import minres
from linear_operator.utils.warnings import NumericalWarning

[docs] def contour_integral_quad( linear_op, rhs, inverse=False, weights=None, shifts=None, max_lanczos_iter=20, num_contour_quadrature=None, shift_offset=0, ): r""" Performs :math:`\mathbf K^{1/2} \mathbf b` or :math:`\mathbf K^{-1/2} \mathbf b` using contour integral quadrature. :param linear_operator.operators.LinearOperator linear_op: LinearOperator representing :math:`\mathbf K` :param torch.Tensor rhs: Right hand side tensor :math:`\mathbf b` :param bool inverse: (default False) whether to compute :math:`\mathbf K^{1/2} \mathbf b` (if False) or `\mathbf K^{-1/2} \mathbf b` (if True) :param int max_lanczos_iter: (default 10) Number of Lanczos iterations to run (to estimate eigenvalues) :param int num_contour_quadrature: How many quadrature samples to use for approximation. Default is in settings. :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: Approximation to :math:`\mathbf K^{1/2} \mathbf b` or :math:`\mathbf K^{-1/2} \mathbf b`. """ import numpy as np from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipk if num_contour_quadrature is None: num_contour_quadrature = settings.num_contour_quadrature.value() output_batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(linear_op.batch_shape, rhs.shape[:-2]) preconditioner, preconditioner_lt, _ = linear_op._preconditioner() def sqrt_precond_matmul(rhs): if preconditioner_lt is not None: solves, weights, _, _ = contour_integral_quad(preconditioner_lt, rhs, inverse=False) return (solves * weights).sum(0) else: return rhs # if not inverse: rhs = sqrt_precond_matmul(rhs) if shifts is None: # Determine if init_vecs has extra_dimensions num_extra_dims = max(0, rhs.dim() - linear_op.dim()) lanczos_init = rhs.__getitem__( ( *([0] * num_extra_dims), Ellipsis, slice(None, None, None), slice(None, 1, None), ) ).expand(*linear_op.shape[:-1], 1) with warnings.catch_warnings(), torch.no_grad(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NumericalWarning) # Supress CG stopping warning _, lanczos_mat = linear_cg( lambda v: linear_op._matmul(v), rhs=lanczos_init, n_tridiag=1, max_iter=max_lanczos_iter, tolerance=1e-5, max_tridiag_iter=max_lanczos_iter, preconditioner=preconditioner, ) lanczos_mat = lanczos_mat.squeeze(0) # We have an extra singleton batch dimension from the Lanczos init r""" K^{-1/2} b = 2/pi \int_0^\infty (K - t^2 I)^{-1} dt We'll approximate this integral as a sum using quadrature We'll determine the appropriate values of t, as well as their weights using elliptical integrals """ # Compute an approximate condition number # We'll do this with Lanczos try: if settings.verbose_linalg.on(): settings.verbose_linalg.logger.debug( f"Running torch.linalg.eigvalsh on a matrix of size {lanczos_mat.shape}." ) approx_eigs = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(lanczos_mat) if approx_eigs.min() <= 0: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: approx_eigs = linear_op._diagonal() max_eig = approx_eigs.max(dim=-1)[0] min_eig = approx_eigs.min(dim=-1)[0] k2 = min_eig / max_eig # Compute the shifts needed for the contour flat_shifts = torch.zeros(num_contour_quadrature + 1, k2.numel(), dtype=k2.dtype, device=k2.device) flat_weights = torch.zeros(num_contour_quadrature, k2.numel(), dtype=k2.dtype, device=k2.device) # For loop because numpy for i, (sub_k2, sub_min_eig) in enumerate(zip(k2.flatten().tolist(), min_eig.flatten().tolist())): # Compute shifts Kp = ellipk(1 - sub_k2) # Elliptical integral of the first kind N = num_contour_quadrature t = 1j * (np.arange(1, N + 1) - 0.5) * Kp / N sn, cn, dn, _ = ellipj(np.imag(t), 1 - sub_k2) # Jacobi elliptic functions cn = 1.0 / cn dn = dn * cn sn = 1j * sn * cn w = np.sqrt(sub_min_eig) * sn w_pow2 = np.real(np.power(w, 2)) sub_shifts = torch.tensor(w_pow2, dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) # Compute weights constant = -2 * Kp * np.sqrt(sub_min_eig) / (math.pi * N) dzdt = torch.tensor(cn * dn, dtype=rhs.dtype, device=rhs.device) dzdt.mul_(constant) sub_weights = dzdt # Store results flat_shifts[1:, i].copy_(sub_shifts) flat_weights[:, i].copy_(sub_weights) weights = flat_weights.view(num_contour_quadrature, *k2.shape, 1, 1) shifts = flat_shifts.view(num_contour_quadrature + 1, *k2.shape) shifts.sub_(shift_offset) # Make sure we have the right shape if k2.shape != output_batch_shape: weights = torch.stack([w.expand(*output_batch_shape, 1, 1) for w in weights], 0) shifts = torch.stack([s.expand(output_batch_shape) for s in shifts], 0) # Compute the solves at the given shifts # Do one more matmul if we don't want to include the inverse with torch.no_grad(): solves = minres( lambda v: linear_op._matmul(v), rhs, value=-1, shifts=shifts, preconditioner=preconditioner, ) no_shift_solves = solves[0] solves = solves[1:] if not inverse: solves = linear_op._matmul(solves) return solves, weights, no_shift_solves, shifts