#!/usr/bin/env python3
import operator
from functools import reduce
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from jaxtyping import Float
from torch import Tensor
from linear_operator import settings
from linear_operator.operators._linear_operator import IndexType, LinearOperator
from linear_operator.operators.dense_linear_operator import to_linear_operator
from linear_operator.operators.diag_linear_operator import ConstantDiagLinearOperator, DiagLinearOperator
from linear_operator.operators.triangular_linear_operator import _TriangularLinearOperatorBase, TriangularLinearOperator
from linear_operator.utils.broadcasting import _matmul_broadcast_shape
from linear_operator.utils.memoize import cached
def _kron_diag(*lts) -> Tensor:
"""Compute diagonal of a KroneckerProductLinearOperator from the diagonals of the constituiting tensors"""
lead_diag = lts[0]._diagonal()
if len(lts) == 1: # base case:
return lead_diag
trail_diag = _kron_diag(*lts[1:])
diag = lead_diag.unsqueeze(-2) * trail_diag.unsqueeze(-1)
return diag.mT.reshape(*diag.shape[:-2], -1)
def _prod(iterable):
return reduce(operator.mul, iterable, 1)
def _matmul(linear_ops, kp_shape, rhs):
output_shape = _matmul_broadcast_shape(kp_shape, rhs.shape)
output_batch_shape = output_shape[:-2]
res = rhs.contiguous().expand(*output_batch_shape, *rhs.shape[-2:])
num_cols = rhs.size(-1)
for linear_op in linear_ops:
res = res.view(*output_batch_shape, linear_op.size(-1), -1)
factor = linear_op._matmul(res)
factor = factor.view(*output_batch_shape, linear_op.size(-2), -1, num_cols).transpose(-3, -2)
res = factor.reshape(*output_batch_shape, -1, num_cols)
return res
def _t_matmul(linear_ops, kp_shape, rhs):
kp_t_shape = (*kp_shape[:-2], kp_shape[-1], kp_shape[-2])
output_shape = _matmul_broadcast_shape(kp_t_shape, rhs.shape)
output_batch_shape = torch.Size(output_shape[:-2])
res = rhs.contiguous().expand(*output_batch_shape, *rhs.shape[-2:])
num_cols = rhs.size(-1)
for linear_op in linear_ops:
res = res.view(*output_batch_shape, linear_op.size(-2), -1)
factor = linear_op._t_matmul(res)
factor = factor.view(*output_batch_shape, linear_op.size(-1), -1, num_cols).transpose(-3, -2)
res = factor.reshape(*output_batch_shape, -1, num_cols)
return res
class KroneckerProductLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
Given linearOperators :math:`\boldsymbol K_1, \ldots, \boldsymbol K_P`,
this LinearOperator represents the Kronecker product :math:`\boldsymbol K_1 \otimes \ldots \otimes \boldsymbol K_P`.
:param linear_ops: :math:`\boldsymbol K_1, \ldots, \boldsymbol K_P`: the LinearOperators in the Kronecker product.
def __init__(self, *linear_ops: Union[Float[Tensor, "... #M #N"], Float[LinearOperator, "... #M #N"]]):
linear_ops = tuple(to_linear_operator(linear_op) for linear_op in linear_ops)
except TypeError:
raise RuntimeError("KroneckerProductLinearOperator is intended to wrap lazy tensors.")
# Make batch shapes the same for all operators
batch_broadcast_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(*(linear_op.batch_shape for linear_op in linear_ops))
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError(
"Batch shapes of LinearOperators "
f"({', '.join([str(tuple(linear_op.shape)) for linear_op in linear_ops])}) "
"are incompatible for a Kronecker product."
if len(batch_broadcast_shape): # Otherwise all linear_ops are non-batch, and we don't need to expand
# NOTE: we must explicitly call requires_grad on each of these arguments
# for the automatic _bilinear_derivative to work in torch.autograd.Functions
linear_ops = tuple(
for linear_op in linear_ops
self.linear_ops = linear_ops
def __add__(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... #M #N"],
other: Union[Float[Tensor, "... #M #N"], Float[LinearOperator, "... #M #N"], float],
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"], Float[Tensor, "... M N"]]:
if isinstance(other, (KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator, ConstantDiagLinearOperator)):
from linear_operator.operators.kronecker_product_added_diag_linear_operator import (
return KroneckerProductAddedDiagLinearOperator(self, other)
if isinstance(other, KroneckerProductLinearOperator):
from linear_operator.operators.sum_kronecker_linear_operator import SumKroneckerLinearOperator
return SumKroneckerLinearOperator(self, other)
if isinstance(other, DiagLinearOperator):
return self.add_diagonal(other._diagonal())
return super().__add__(other)
def add_diagonal(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
diag: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... N"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... 1"], Float[torch.Tensor, ""]],
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
from linear_operator.operators.kronecker_product_added_diag_linear_operator import (
if not self.is_square:
raise RuntimeError("add_diag only defined for square matrices")
diag_shape = diag.shape
if len(diag_shape) == 0:
# interpret scalar tensor as constant diag
diag_tensor = ConstantDiagLinearOperator(diag.unsqueeze(-1), diag_shape=self.shape[-1])
elif diag_shape[-1] == 1:
# interpret single-trailing element as constant diag
diag_tensor = ConstantDiagLinearOperator(diag, diag_shape=self.shape[-1])
expanded_diag = diag.expand(self.shape[:-1])
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError(
"add_diag for LinearOperator of size {} received invalid diagonal of size {}.".format(
self.shape, diag_shape
diag_tensor = DiagLinearOperator(expanded_diag)
return KroneckerProductAddedDiagLinearOperator(self, diag_tensor)
def diagonalization(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], method: Optional[str] = None
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
if method is None:
method = "symeig"
return super().diagonalization(method=method)
def inverse(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
# here we use that (A \kron B)^-1 = A^-1 \kron B^-1
# TODO: Investigate under what conditions computing individual individual inverses makes sense
inverses = [lt.inverse() for lt in self.linear_ops]
return self.__class__(*inverses)
def inv_quad_logdet(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
inv_quad_rhs: Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch N"]]] = None,
logdet: Optional[bool] = False,
reduce_inv_quad: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Float[Tensor, " *batch"], Float[Tensor, " 0"]]],
Optional[Float[Tensor, "..."]],
if inv_quad_rhs is not None:
inv_quad_term, _ = super().inv_quad_logdet(
inv_quad_rhs=inv_quad_rhs, logdet=False, reduce_inv_quad=reduce_inv_quad
inv_quad_term = None
logdet_term = self._logdet() if logdet else None
return inv_quad_term, logdet_term
def _cholesky(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], upper: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
chol_factors = [lt.cholesky(upper=upper) for lt in self.linear_ops]
return KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator(*chol_factors, upper=upper)
def _diagonal(self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... N"]:
return _kron_diag(*self.linear_ops)
def _expand_batch(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"], batch_shape: Union[torch.Size, List[int]]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]:
return self.__class__(*[linear_op._expand_batch(batch_shape) for linear_op in self.linear_ops])
def _get_indices(self, row_index: IndexType, col_index: IndexType, *batch_indices: IndexType) -> torch.Tensor:
row_factor = self.size(-2)
col_factor = self.size(-1)
res = None
for linear_op in self.linear_ops:
sub_row_size = linear_op.size(-2)
sub_col_size = linear_op.size(-1)
row_factor //= sub_row_size
col_factor //= sub_col_size
sub_res = linear_op._get_indices(
torch.div(row_index, row_factor, rounding_mode="floor").fmod(sub_row_size),
torch.div(col_index, col_factor, rounding_mode="floor").fmod(sub_col_size),
res = sub_res if res is None else (sub_res * res)
return res
def _solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"],
rhs: Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
preconditioner: Optional[Callable[[Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"]], Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"]]] = None,
num_tridiag: Optional[int] = 0,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
Float[torch.Tensor, "..."], # Note that in case of a tuple the second term size depends on num_tridiag
# Computes solve by exploiting the identity (A \kron B)^-1 = A^-1 \kron B^-1
# we perform the solve first before worrying about any tridiagonal matrices
tsr_shapes = [q.size(-1) for q in self.linear_ops]
n_rows = rhs.size(-2)
batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(self.shape[:-2], rhs.shape[:-2])
perm_batch = tuple(range(len(batch_shape)))
y = rhs.clone().expand(*batch_shape, *rhs.shape[-2:])
for n, q in zip(tsr_shapes, self.linear_ops):
# for KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator this solve is very cheap
y = q.solve(y.reshape(*batch_shape, n, -1))
y = y.reshape(*batch_shape, n, n_rows // n, -1).permute(*perm_batch, -2, -3, -1)
res = y.reshape(*batch_shape, n_rows, -1)
if num_tridiag == 0:
return res
# we need to return the t mat, so we return the eigenvalues
# in general, this should not be called because log determinant estimation
# is closed form and is implemented in _logdet
# TODO: make this more efficient
evals, _ = self.diagonalization()
evals_repeated = evals.unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_tridiag, *[1] * evals.ndim)
lazy_evals = DiagLinearOperator(evals_repeated)
batch_repeated_evals = lazy_evals.to_dense()
return res, batch_repeated_evals
def _inv_matmul(self, right_tensor, left_tensor=None):
# if _inv_matmul is called, we ignore the eigenvalue handling
# this is efficient because of the structure of the lazy tensor
res = self._solve(rhs=right_tensor)
if left_tensor is not None:
res = left_tensor @ res
return res
def _logdet(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[Tensor, " *batch"]:
evals, _ = self.diagonalization()
logdet = evals.clamp(min=1e-7).log().sum(-1)
return logdet
def _matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
rhs: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N"]],
) -> Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... M C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... M"]]:
is_vec = rhs.ndimension() == 1
if is_vec:
rhs = rhs.unsqueeze(-1)
res = _matmul(self.linear_ops, self.shape, rhs.contiguous())
if is_vec:
res = res.squeeze(-1)
return res
def root_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], method: Optional[str] = None
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
from linear_operator.operators import RootLinearOperator
# return a dense root decomposition if the matrix is small
if self.shape[-1] <= settings.max_cholesky_size.value():
return super().root_decomposition(method=method)
root_list = [lt.root_decomposition(method=method).root for lt in self.linear_ops]
kronecker_root = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*root_list)
return RootLinearOperator(kronecker_root)
def root_inv_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
initial_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
test_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
method: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N N"]]:
from linear_operator.operators import RootLinearOperator
# return a dense root decomposition if the matrix is small
if self.shape[-1] <= settings.max_cholesky_size.value():
return super().root_inv_decomposition()
root_list = [lt.root_inv_decomposition().root for lt in self.linear_ops]
kronecker_root = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*root_list)
return RootLinearOperator(kronecker_root)
def _size(self) -> torch.Size:
left_size = _prod(linear_op.size(-2) for linear_op in self.linear_ops)
right_size = _prod(linear_op.size(-1) for linear_op in self.linear_ops)
return torch.Size((*self.linear_ops[0].batch_shape, left_size, right_size))
def _svd(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]
) -> Tuple[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]]:
U, S, V = [], [], []
for lt in self.linear_ops:
U_, S_, V_ = lt.svd()
S = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*[DiagLinearOperator(S_) for S_ in S])._diagonal()
U = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*U)
V = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*V)
return U, S, V
def _symeig(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
eigenvectors: bool = False,
return_evals_as_lazy: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
# return_evals_as_lazy is a flag to return the eigenvalues as a lazy tensor
# which is useful for root decompositions here (see the root_decomposition
# method above)
evals, evecs = [], []
for lt in self.linear_ops:
evals_, evecs_ = lt._symeig(eigenvectors=eigenvectors)
evals = KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator(*[DiagLinearOperator(evals_) for evals_ in evals])
if not return_evals_as_lazy:
evals = evals._diagonal()
if eigenvectors:
evecs = KroneckerProductLinearOperator(*evecs)
evecs = None
return evals, evecs
def _t_matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
rhs: Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch2 M P"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 M P"]],
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, "... N P"]]:
is_vec = rhs.ndimension() == 1
if is_vec:
rhs = rhs.unsqueeze(-1)
res = _t_matmul(self.linear_ops, self.shape, rhs.contiguous())
if is_vec:
res = res.squeeze(-1)
return res
def _transpose_nonbatch(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]:
return self.__class__(*(linear_op._transpose_nonbatch() for linear_op in self.linear_ops), **self._kwargs)
class KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator(KroneckerProductLinearOperator, _TriangularLinearOperatorBase):
def __init__(self, *linear_ops, upper=False):
if not all(isinstance(lt, TriangularLinearOperator) for lt in linear_ops):
raise RuntimeError(
"Components of KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator must be TriangularLinearOperator."
self.upper = upper
def inverse(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
# here we use that (A \kron B)^-1 = A^-1 \kron B^-1
inverses = [lt.inverse() for lt in self.linear_ops]
return self.__class__(*inverses, upper=self.upper)
def _cholesky(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], upper: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
raise NotImplementedError("_cholesky not applicable to triangular lazy tensors")
def _cholesky_solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
rhs: Union[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N M"]],
upper: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N M"], Float[Tensor, "... N M"]]:
if upper:
# res = (U.T @ U)^-1 @ v = U^-1 @ U^-T @ v
w = self._transpose_nonbatch().solve(rhs)
res = self.solve(w)
# res = (L @ L.T)^-1 @ v = L^-T @ L^-1 @ v
w = self.solve(rhs)
res = self._transpose_nonbatch().solve(w)
return res
def _symeig(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
eigenvectors: bool = False,
return_evals_as_lazy: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
raise NotImplementedError("_symeig not applicable to triangular lazy tensors")
def solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"],
right_tensor: Union[Float[Tensor, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, " N"]],
left_tensor: Optional[Float[Tensor, "... O N"]] = None,
) -> Union[Float[Tensor, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, "... N"], Float[Tensor, "... O P"], Float[Tensor, "... O"]]:
# For triangular components, using triangular-triangular substition should generally be good
return self._inv_matmul(right_tensor=right_tensor, left_tensor=left_tensor)
class KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator(DiagLinearOperator, KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator):
Represents the kronecker product of multiple DiagonalLinearOperators
(i.e. :math:`\mathbf D_1 \otimes \mathbf D_2 \otimes \ldots \mathbf D_\ell`)
Supports arbitrary batch sizes.
:param linear_ops: Diagonal linear operators (:math:`\mathbf D_1, \mathbf D_2, \ldots \mathbf D_\ell`).
def __init__(self, *linear_ops: Tuple[DiagLinearOperator, ...]):
if not all(isinstance(lt, DiagLinearOperator) for lt in linear_ops):
raise RuntimeError("Components of KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator must be DiagLinearOperator.")
super(KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator, self).__init__(*linear_ops)
self.upper = False
def _bilinear_derivative(self, left_vecs: Tensor, right_vecs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Optional[Tensor], ...]:
return KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator._bilinear_derivative(self, left_vecs, right_vecs)
def _cholesky(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], upper: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
chol_factors = [lt.cholesky(upper=upper) for lt in self.linear_ops]
return KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator(*chol_factors)
def _diag(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]) -> Float[Tensor, "*batch N"]:
return _kron_diag(*self.linear_ops)
def _expand_batch(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"], batch_shape: Union[torch.Size, List[int]]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]:
return KroneckerProductTriangularLinearOperator._expand_batch(self, batch_shape)
def _mul_constant(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"], other: Union[float, torch.Tensor]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
return DiagLinearOperator(self._diag * other.unsqueeze(-1))
def _size(self) -> torch.Size:
# Though the super._size method works, this is more efficient
diag_shapes = [linear_op._diag.shape for linear_op in self.linear_ops]
batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(*[diag_shape[:-1] for diag_shape in diag_shapes])
N = 1
for diag_shape in diag_shapes:
N *= diag_shape[-1]
return torch.Size([*batch_shape, N, N])
def _symeig(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
eigenvectors: bool = False,
return_evals_as_lazy: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
# return_evals_as_lazy is a flag to return the eigenvalues as a lazy tensor
# which is useful for root decompositions here (see the root_decomposition
# method above)
evals, evecs = [], []
for lt in self.linear_ops:
evals_, evecs_ = lt._symeig(eigenvectors=eigenvectors)
evals = KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator(*[DiagLinearOperator(evals_) for evals_ in evals])
if not return_evals_as_lazy:
evals = evals._diagonal()
if eigenvectors:
evecs = KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator(*evecs)
evecs = None
return evals, evecs
def abs(self) -> LinearOperator:
Returns a DiagLinearOperator with the absolute value of all diagonal entries.
return self.__class__(*[lt.abs() for lt in self.linear_ops])
def exp(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
raise NotImplementedError(f"torch.exp({self.__class__.__name__}) is not implemented.")
def inverse(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
Returns the inverse of the DiagLinearOperator.
# here we use that (A \kron B)^-1 = A^-1 \kron B^-1
inverses = [lt.inverse() for lt in self.linear_ops]
return self.__class__(*inverses)
def log(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
raise NotImplementedError(f"torch.log({self.__class__.__name__}) is not implemented.")
def sqrt(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
Returns a DiagLinearOperator with the square root of all diagonal entries.
return self.__class__(*[lt.sqrt() for lt in self.linear_ops])