#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from jaxtyping import Float
from torch import Tensor
from linear_operator.operators._linear_operator import IndexType, LinearOperator
from linear_operator.operators.diag_linear_operator import ConstantDiagLinearOperator
from linear_operator.operators.zero_linear_operator import ZeroLinearOperator
from linear_operator.utils.generic import _to_helper
from linear_operator.utils.getitem import _compute_getitem_size, _is_noop_index
from linear_operator.utils.memoize import cached
class IdentityLinearOperator(ConstantDiagLinearOperator):
Identity linear operator. Supports arbitrary batch sizes.
:param diag_shape: The size of the identity matrix (i.e. :math:`N`).
:param batch_shape: The size of the batch dimensions. It may be useful to set these dimensions for broadcasting.
:param dtype: Dtype that the LinearOperator will be operating on. (Default: :meth:`torch.get_default_dtype()`).
:param device: Device that the LinearOperator will be operating on. (Default: CPU).
def __init__(
diag_shape: int,
batch_shape: Optional[torch.Size] = torch.Size([]),
dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.float,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
one = torch.tensor(1.0, dtype=dtype, device=device)
LinearOperator.__init__(self, diag_shape=diag_shape, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
self.diag_values = one.expand(torch.Size([*batch_shape, 1]))
self.diag_shape = diag_shape
self._batch_shape = batch_shape
self._dtype = dtype
self._device = device
def batch_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
return self._batch_shape
def dtype(self) -> Optional[torch.dtype]:
return self._dtype
def device(self) -> Optional[torch.device]:
return self._device
def _maybe_reshape_rhs(self, rhs: Union[torch.Tensor, LinearOperator]) -> Union[torch.Tensor, LinearOperator]:
if self._batch_shape != rhs.shape[:-2]:
batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(rhs.shape[:-2], self._batch_shape)
return rhs.expand(*batch_shape, *rhs.shape[-2:])
return rhs
@cached(name="cholesky", ignore_args=True)
def _cholesky(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], upper: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
return self
def _cholesky_solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
rhs: Union[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N M"]],
upper: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N M"], Float[Tensor, "... N M"]]:
return self._maybe_reshape_rhs(rhs)
def _expand_batch(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"], batch_shape: Union[torch.Size, List[int]]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]:
return IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device
def _getitem(self, row_index: IndexType, col_index: IndexType, *batch_indices: IndexType) -> LinearOperator:
# Special case: if both row and col are not indexed, then we are done
if _is_noop_index(row_index) and _is_noop_index(col_index):
if len(batch_indices):
new_batch_shape = _compute_getitem_size(self, (*batch_indices, row_index, col_index))[:-2]
res = IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=new_batch_shape, dtype=self._dtype, device=self._device
return res
return self
return super()._getitem(row_index, col_index, *batch_indices)
def _matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
rhs: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N"]],
) -> Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... M C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... M"]]:
return self._maybe_reshape_rhs(rhs)
def _mul_constant(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"], other: Union[float, torch.Tensor]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
return ConstantDiagLinearOperator(self.diag_values * other, diag_shape=self.diag_shape)
def _mul_matrix(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... #M #N"],
other: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... #M #N"], Float[LinearOperator, "... #M #N"]],
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]:
return other
def _permute_batch(self, *dims: int) -> LinearOperator:
batch_shape = self.diag_values.permute(*dims, -1).shape[:-1]
return IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=self._dtype, device=self._device
def _prod_batch(self, dim: int) -> LinearOperator:
batch_shape = list(self.batch_shape)
del batch_shape[dim]
return IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=torch.Size(batch_shape), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device
def _root_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"]
) -> Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... N N"], Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"]]:
return self.sqrt()
def _root_inv_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
initial_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
test_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N N"]]:
return self.inverse().sqrt()
def _size(self) -> torch.Size:
return torch.Size([*self._batch_shape, self.diag_shape, self.diag_shape])
def _svd(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]
) -> Tuple[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]]:
return self, self._diag, self
def _symeig(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
eigenvectors: bool = False,
return_evals_as_lazy: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
return self._diag, self
def _t_matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
rhs: Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch2 M P"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 M P"]],
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, "... N P"]]:
return self._maybe_reshape_rhs(rhs)
def _transpose_nonbatch(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]:
return self
def _unsqueeze_batch(self, dim: int) -> LinearOperator:
batch_shape = list(self._batch_shape)
batch_shape.insert(dim, 1)
batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape)
return IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device
def abs(self) -> LinearOperator:
return self
def exp(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
return self
def inverse(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
return self
def inv_quad_logdet(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
inv_quad_rhs: Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch N"]]] = None,
logdet: Optional[bool] = False,
reduce_inv_quad: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Float[Tensor, " *batch"], Float[Tensor, " 0"]]],
Optional[Float[Tensor, "..."]],
# TODO: Use proper batching for inv_quad_rhs (prepand to shape rather than append)
if inv_quad_rhs is None:
inv_quad_term = torch.empty(0, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
rhs_batch_shape = inv_quad_rhs.shape[1 + self.batch_dim :]
inv_quad_term = inv_quad_rhs.mul(inv_quad_rhs).sum(-(1 + len(rhs_batch_shape)))
if reduce_inv_quad:
inv_quad_term = inv_quad_term.sum(-1)
if logdet:
logdet_term = torch.zeros(self.batch_shape, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
logdet_term = torch.empty(0, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
return inv_quad_term, logdet_term
def log(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
return ZeroLinearOperator(
*self._batch_shape, self.diag_shape, self.diag_shape, dtype=self._dtype, device=self._device
def matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
other: Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N P"], Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 N P"]],
) -> Union[Float[Tensor, "... M P"], Float[Tensor, "... M"], Float[LinearOperator, "... M P"]]:
is_vec = False
if other.dim() == 1:
is_vec = True
other = other.unsqueeze(-1)
res = self._maybe_reshape_rhs(other)
if is_vec:
res = res.squeeze(-1)
return res
def solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"],
right_tensor: Union[Float[Tensor, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, " N"]],
left_tensor: Optional[Float[Tensor, "... O N"]] = None,
) -> Union[Float[Tensor, "... N P"], Float[Tensor, "... N"], Float[Tensor, "... O P"], Float[Tensor, "... O"]]:
res = self._maybe_reshape_rhs(right_tensor)
if left_tensor is not None:
res = left_tensor @ res
return res
def sqrt(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
return self
def sqrt_inv_matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
rhs: Float[Tensor, "*batch N P"],
lhs: Optional[Float[Tensor, "*batch O N"]] = None,
) -> Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch N P"], Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch O P"], Float[Tensor, "*batch O"]]]:
if lhs is None:
return self._maybe_reshape_rhs(rhs)
sqrt_inv_matmul = lhs @ rhs
inv_quad = lhs.pow(2).sum(dim=-1)
return sqrt_inv_matmul, inv_quad
def type(self: LinearOperator, dtype: torch.dtype) -> LinearOperator:
return IdentityLinearOperator(
diag_shape=self.diag_shape, batch_shape=self.batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=self.device
def zero_mean_mvn_samples(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], num_samples: int
) -> Float[Tensor, "num_samples *batch N"]:
base_samples = torch.randn(num_samples, *self.shape[:-1], dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
return base_samples
def to(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"], *args, **kwargs) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
# Overwrite the to() method in _linear_operator to also convert the dtype and device saved in _kwargs.
device, dtype = _to_helper(*args, **kwargs)
new_args = []
new_kwargs = {}
for arg in self._args:
if hasattr(arg, "to"):
if hasattr(arg, "dtype") and arg.dtype.is_floating_point == dtype.is_floating_point:
new_args.append(arg.to(dtype=dtype, device=device))
for name, val in self._kwargs.items():
if hasattr(val, "to"):
new_kwargs[name] = val.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
new_kwargs[name] = val
new_kwargs["device"] = device
new_kwargs["dtype"] = dtype
return self.__class__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)