#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import torch
from jaxtyping import Float
from torch import Tensor
from linear_operator.operators._linear_operator import IndexType, LinearOperator, to_dense
from linear_operator.operators.dense_linear_operator import DenseLinearOperator, to_linear_operator
from linear_operator.utils.broadcasting import _matmul_broadcast_shape
from linear_operator.utils.deprecation import bool_compat
from linear_operator.utils.generic import _to_helper
from linear_operator.utils.getitem import _noop_index
def cat(inputs, dim=0, output_device=None):
if all(torch.is_tensor(i) for i in inputs):
return torch.cat(inputs, dim=dim)
inputs = [to_linear_operator(i) for i in inputs]
if all(isinstance(i, DenseLinearOperator) for i in inputs):
# Dont form a CatLinearOperator if all tensors are DenseLinearOperator
return to_linear_operator(torch.cat([to_dense(i) for i in inputs], dim=dim))
if output_device is None and all(i.device == inputs[0].device for i in inputs):
output_device = inputs[0].device
elif output_device is None:
raise RuntimeError("Trying to concat lazy tensors on different devices without specifying an output device.")
return CatLinearOperator(*inputs, dim=dim, output_device=output_device)
class CatLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
A `LinearOperator` that represents the concatenation of other linear operators.
Each LinearOperator must have the same shape except in the concatenating
- :attr:`linear_ops` (list of LinearOperators):
A list of LinearOperators whose sizes are the same except in
concatenating dimension :attr:`dim`
- :attr:`dim` (int):
The concatenating dimension which can be a batch dimension.
- :attr:`output_device` (torch.device):
The CatLinearOperator will appear to appear on :attr:`output_device`
and place any output `torch.Tensors` on :attr:`output_device`
def _check_args(self, *linear_ops, dim=0, output_device=None):
if len(linear_ops) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("List of LinearOperators must be non-empty")
elif len(linear_ops) == 1:
raise RuntimeError("Why are we trying to concatenate a single LinearOperator?")
if not all([isinstance(t, LinearOperator) for t in linear_ops]):
raise RuntimeError("CatLinearOperator requires a list of all LinearOperators")
rep_tensor = linear_ops[0]
rep_tensor_noncat_shape = list(rep_tensor.shape)
del rep_tensor_noncat_shape[dim]
for t in linear_ops:
if t.dim() != rep_tensor.dim():
raise RuntimeError("All tensors must have the same number of dimensions")
t_noncat_shape = list(t.shape)
del t_noncat_shape[dim]
if t_noncat_shape != rep_tensor_noncat_shape:
raise RuntimeError("All LinearOperators must have the same size in " "the non-concatenation dimension")
def __init__(self, *linear_ops, dim=0, output_device=None):
# Make sure index is negative index
rep_tensor = linear_ops[0]
ndims = rep_tensor.ndimension()
if dim >= 0:
positive_dim = dim
dim = dim - ndims
positive_dim = ndims + dim
# Standard initialization
super().__init__(*linear_ops, dim=dim, output_device=output_device)
self.linear_ops = linear_ops
self.cat_dim = dim
self.output_device = output_device
# Helpers for _getitem
cat_dim_sizes = torch.tensor([t.size(dim) for t in linear_ops], device=output_device)
cat_dim_cum_sizes = torch.zeros(len(linear_ops) + 1, dtype=torch.long, device=output_device)
torch.cumsum(cat_dim_sizes, dim=-1, out=cat_dim_cum_sizes[1:])
idx_to_tensor_idx = torch.empty(cat_dim_cum_sizes[-1].item(), dtype=torch.long, device=output_device)
for tsr_idx, (start_idx, end_idx) in enumerate(zip(cat_dim_cum_sizes[:-1], cat_dim_cum_sizes[1:])):
idx_to_tensor_idx[start_idx.item() : end_idx.item()].fill_(tsr_idx)
self.cat_dim_sizes = cat_dim_sizes
self.cat_dim_cum_sizes = cat_dim_cum_sizes
self.idx_to_tensor_idx = idx_to_tensor_idx
self._shape = torch.Size(
(*rep_tensor.shape[:positive_dim], cat_dim_cum_sizes[-1].item(), *rep_tensor.shape[positive_dim + 1 :])
def _split_slice(self, slice_idx: slice) -> Tuple[Sequence[int], List[slice]]:
Splits a slice(a, b, None) in to a list of slices [slice(a1, b1, None), slice(a2, b2, None), ...]
so that each slice in the list slices in to a single tensor that we have concatenated with this LinearOperator.
if slice_idx.step is not None:
# TODO: Add support for this eventually.
raise RuntimeError("Slicing a CatLinearOperator with a step is not currently supported!")
cat_size = self.size(self.cat_dim)
start_idx = slice_idx.start % cat_size if slice_idx.start is not None else 0
stop_idx = slice_idx.stop % cat_size if slice_idx.stop is not None else cat_size
first_tensor_idx = self.idx_to_tensor_idx[start_idx].item()
last_tensor_idx = self.idx_to_tensor_idx[stop_idx - 1].item()
first_tensor_start_index = start_idx - self.cat_dim_cum_sizes[first_tensor_idx].item()
last_tensor_stop_index = stop_idx - self.cat_dim_cum_sizes[last_tensor_idx].item()
if first_tensor_idx == last_tensor_idx:
return [first_tensor_idx], [slice(first_tensor_start_index, last_tensor_stop_index, None)]
num_middle_tensors = last_tensor_idx - first_tensor_idx - 1
first_slice = slice(first_tensor_start_index, None, None)
last_slice = slice(None, last_tensor_stop_index, None)
return (
list(range(first_tensor_idx, last_tensor_idx + 1)),
[first_slice] + [_noop_index] * num_middle_tensors + [last_slice],
def _diagonal(self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... N"]:
if self.cat_dim == -2:
res = []
curr_col = 0
for t in self.linear_ops:
n_rows, n_cols = t.shape[-2:]
rows = torch.arange(0, n_rows, dtype=torch.long, device=t.device)
cols = torch.arange(curr_col, curr_col + n_rows, dtype=torch.long, device=t.device)
res.append(t[..., rows, cols].to(self.device))
curr_col += n_rows
res = torch.cat(res, dim=-1)
elif self.cat_dim == -1:
res = []
curr_row = 0
for t in self.linear_ops:
n_rows, n_cols = t.shape[-2:]
rows = torch.arange(curr_row, curr_row + n_cols, dtype=torch.long, device=t.device)
cols = torch.arange(0, n_cols, dtype=torch.long, device=t.device)
curr_row += n_cols
res.append(t[..., rows, cols].to(self.device))
res = torch.cat(res, dim=-1)
res = torch.cat([t._diagonal().to(self.device) for t in self.linear_ops], dim=self.cat_dim + 1)
return res
def _expand_batch(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"], batch_shape: Union[torch.Size, List[int]]
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]:
batch_dim = self.cat_dim + 2
if batch_dim < 0:
if batch_shape[batch_dim] != self.batch_shape[batch_dim]:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Trying to expand a CatLinearOperator in dimension {self.cat_dim}, but this is the concatenated "
f"dimension.\nCurrent shape: {self.shape} - expanded shape: {batch_shape + self.matrix_shape}."
linear_ops = []
for linear_op in self.linear_ops:
sub_batch_shape = list(batch_shape).copy()
sub_batch_shape[batch_dim] = linear_op.shape[self.cat_dim]
linear_ops = [linear_op._expand_batch(batch_shape) for linear_op in self.linear_ops]
res = self.__class__(*linear_ops, dim=self.cat_dim, output_device=self.output_device)
return res
def _get_indices(self, row_index: IndexType, col_index: IndexType, *batch_indices: IndexType) -> torch.Tensor:
indices = [*batch_indices, row_index, col_index]
target_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(*[index.shape for index in indices])
indices = [index.expand(target_shape).reshape(-1) for index in indices]
cat_dim_indices = indices[self.cat_dim]
# Find out for which indices we switch to different tensors
target_tensors = self.idx_to_tensor_idx[cat_dim_indices]
does_switch_tensor = torch.ones(target_tensors.numel() + 1, dtype=bool_compat, device=self.device)
torch.ne(target_tensors[:-1], target_tensors[1:], out=does_switch_tensor[1:-1])
# Get the LinearOperators that will comprise the new LinearOperator
linear_op_indices = target_tensors[does_switch_tensor[:-1]].tolist()
linear_ops = [self.linear_ops[idx] for idx in linear_op_indices]
# Get the new set of indices for each of the LinearOperators
switch_tensor = does_switch_tensor.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
split_sizes = (switch_tensor[1:] - switch_tensor[:-1]).tolist()
sub_indices = zip(
list(index.split(split_sizes)) if torch.is_tensor(index) else [index] * len(split_sizes)
for index in indices
# Make everything a list
sub_indices = [list(sub_index) for sub_index in sub_indices]
# Make sure that we have adjusted the start and ends of the indices that correspond to the cat dim
for linear_op_idx, sub_index in zip(linear_op_indices, sub_indices):
sub_index[self.cat_dim] = sub_index[self.cat_dim] - self.cat_dim_cum_sizes[linear_op_idx]
res_list = [
linear_op._get_indices(sub_index[-2], sub_index[-1], *sub_index[:-2])
for linear_op, sub_index in zip(linear_ops, sub_indices)
if len(res_list) == 1:
return res_list[0].view(target_shape).to(self.device)
# Explicitly move tensors to one device as torch.cat no longer moves tensors:
# https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/35045
res_list = [linear_op.to(self.device) for linear_op in res_list]
return torch.cat(res_list).view(target_shape)
def _getitem(self, row_index: IndexType, col_index: IndexType, *batch_indices: IndexType) -> LinearOperator:
indices = [*batch_indices, row_index, col_index]
cat_dim_indices = indices[self.cat_dim]
# If any of the (non-cat_dim) batch indices are ints, make sure that we appropriately update the cat_dim
updated_cat_dim = self.cat_dim
if self.cat_dim < -2:
batch_indices_below_cat_dim = batch_indices[self.cat_dim + 3 :]
num_collapsed_dims = len(tuple(idx for idx in batch_indices_below_cat_dim if isinstance(idx, int)))
updated_cat_dim += num_collapsed_dims
# Process the cat_dim index
if isinstance(cat_dim_indices, slice):
if cat_dim_indices == _noop_index:
res_list = [linear_op._getitem(row_index, col_index, *batch_indices) for linear_op in self.linear_ops]
res_list = []
tensor_idxs, target_slices = self._split_slice(cat_dim_indices)
for tensor_idx, target_slice in zip(tensor_idxs, target_slices):
indices[self.cat_dim] = target_slice
res = self.linear_ops[tensor_idx]._getitem(indices[-2], indices[-1], *indices[:-2])
elif torch.is_tensor(cat_dim_indices):
if cat_dim_indices.dim() > 1:
# Supporting broadcasting tensor indices for CatLinearOpeartor is very challenging to implement,
# and probably not a feature we need.
raise RuntimeError(
"CatLinearOperator does not support broadcasted tensor indexes. "
f"Got tensor indices of size {[idx.shape for idx in indices if torch.is_tensor(idx)]}."
# Find out for which indices we switch to different tensors
target_tensors = self.idx_to_tensor_idx[cat_dim_indices]
does_switch_tensor = torch.ones(target_tensors.numel() + 1, dtype=bool_compat, device=self.device)
torch.ne(target_tensors[:-1], target_tensors[1:], out=does_switch_tensor[1:-1])
# Get the LinearOperators that will comprise the new LinearOperator
linear_op_indices = target_tensors[does_switch_tensor[:-1]].tolist()
linear_ops = [self.linear_ops[idx] for idx in linear_op_indices]
# Get the new set of indices for each of the LinearOperators
switch_tensor = does_switch_tensor.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
split_sizes = (switch_tensor[1:] - switch_tensor[:-1]).tolist()
sub_indices = zip(
list(index.split(split_sizes)) if torch.is_tensor(index) else [index] * len(split_sizes)
for index in indices
# Make everything a list
sub_indices = [list(sub_index) for sub_index in sub_indices]
# Make sure that we have adjusted the start and ends of the indices that correspond to the cat dim
for linear_op_idx, sub_index in zip(linear_op_indices, sub_indices):
sub_index[self.cat_dim] = sub_index[self.cat_dim] - self.cat_dim_cum_sizes[linear_op_idx]
res_list = [
linear_op._getitem(sub_index[-2], sub_index[-1], *sub_index[:-2])
for linear_op, sub_index in zip(linear_ops, sub_indices)
elif isinstance(cat_dim_indices, int): # Should only happen for cat on batch dim
target_tensor = self.idx_to_tensor_idx[cat_dim_indices].item()
cat_dim_indices = cat_dim_indices - self.cat_dim_cum_sizes[target_tensor]
indices[self.cat_dim] = cat_dim_indices
res_list = [self.linear_ops[target_tensor]._getitem(indices[-2], indices[-1], *indices[:-2])]
raise RuntimeError(
"Unexpected index type {cat_dim_indices.__class__.__name__}. This is a bug in LinearOperator."
# Process the list
if len(res_list) == 1:
return res_list[0].to(self.output_device)
res = self.__class__(*res_list, dim=updated_cat_dim, output_device=self.output_device)
return res
def _matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
rhs: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N"]],
) -> Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... M C"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... M"]]:
output_device = self.device if self.device is not None else rhs.device
# make a copy of `rhs` on each device
rhs_ = []
for d in self.devices:
if d != rhs.device:
if self.cat_dim == -2:
res_list = [t._matmul(rhs) for t, rhs in zip(self.linear_ops, rhs_)]
# copy result back to output device
res_list = [x.to(output_device) for x in res_list]
res = torch.cat(res_list, dim=-2)
elif self.cat_dim == -1:
curr_idx = 0
res_list = []
index = [slice(None, None, None) for _ in range(rhs.ndimension())]
for t, size, rhs in zip(self.linear_ops, self.cat_dim_sizes, rhs_):
index[-2] = slice(curr_idx, curr_idx + size, None)
curr_idx += size
# copy result back to output device and sum
res_list = [x.to(output_device) for x in res_list]
res = 0.0
for x in res_list:
res = res + x
output_shape = _matmul_broadcast_shape(self.shape, rhs.shape)
rhs = rhs.expand(*output_shape[:-2], *rhs.shape[-2:])
curr_idx = 0
res_list = []
for t, size in zip(self.linear_ops, self.cat_dim_sizes):
sub_rhs = rhs.narrow(self.cat_dim, curr_idx, size)
curr_idx += size
# copy result back to output device
res_list = [x.to(output_device) for x in res_list]
res = torch.cat(res_list, dim=self.cat_dim)
return res
def _permute_batch(self, *dims: int) -> LinearOperator:
linear_ops = [linear_op._permute_batch(*dims) for linear_op in self.linear_ops]
if self.cat_dim < -2:
positive_cat_dim = self.dim() + self.cat_dim
new_cat_dim = dims.index(positive_cat_dim)
new_cat_dim = self.cat_dim
return self.__class__(*linear_ops, dim=new_cat_dim, output_device=self.output_device)
def _size(self) -> torch.Size:
return self._shape
def _transpose_nonbatch(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]:
if self.cat_dim == -2:
new_dim = -1
elif self.cat_dim == -1:
new_dim = -2
new_dim = self.cat_dim
return self.__class__(
*[t._transpose_nonbatch() for t in self.linear_ops], dim=new_dim, output_device=self.output_device
def _unsqueeze_batch(self, dim: int) -> LinearOperator:
cat_dim = self.dim() + self.cat_dim
linear_ops = [linear_op._unsqueeze_batch(dim) for linear_op in self.linear_ops]
res = self.__class__(
*linear_ops, dim=(cat_dim + 1 if dim <= cat_dim else cat_dim), output_device=self.output_device
return res
def to_dense(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]) -> Float[Tensor, "*batch M N"]:
return torch.cat([to_dense(L) for L in self.linear_ops], dim=self.cat_dim)
def inv_quad_logdet(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
inv_quad_rhs: Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch N"]]] = None,
logdet: Optional[bool] = False,
reduce_inv_quad: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Float[Tensor, " *batch"], Float[Tensor, " 0"]]],
Optional[Float[Tensor, "..."]],
res = super().inv_quad_logdet(inv_quad_rhs, logdet, reduce_inv_quad)
return tuple(r.to(self.device) for r in res)
def device(self) -> Optional[torch.device]:
return self.output_device
def devices(self) -> List[torch.device]:
return [t.device for t in self.linear_ops]
def device_count(self) -> int:
return len(set(self.devices))
def to(self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"], *args, **kwargs) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"]:
Returns a new CatLinearOperator with device as the output_device and dtype
as the dtype.
Warning: this does not move the LinearOperators in this CatLinearOperator to
device, dtype = _to_helper(*args, **kwargs)
new_kwargs = {**self._kwargs, "output_device": device}
res = self.__class__(*self._args, **new_kwargs)
if dtype is not None:
res = res.type(dtype)
return res
def all_to(self, device_id):
Create a new CatLinearOperator with all LinearOperators in CatLinearOperator moved
to one device device. The new CatLinearOperator also has device_id as the
new_args = []
new_kwargs = {}
for arg in self._args:
if hasattr(arg, "to"):
for name, val in self._kwargs.items():
if hasattr(val, "to"):
new_kwargs[name] = val.to(device_id)
new_kwargs[name] = val
new_kwargs["output_device"] = device_id
return self.__class__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)