#!/usr/bin/env python3
from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from jaxtyping import Float
from torch import Tensor
from linear_operator.operators._linear_operator import IndexType, LinearOperator
from linear_operator.operators.block_linear_operator import BlockLinearOperator
from linear_operator.utils.memoize import cached
# metaclass of BlockDiagLinearOperator, overwrites behavior of constructor call
# _MetaBlockDiagLinearOperator(base_linear_op, block_dim=-3) to return a DiagLinearOperator
# if base_linear_op is a DiagLinearOperator itself
class _MetaBlockDiagLinearOperator(ABCMeta):
def __call__(cls, base_linear_op: Union[LinearOperator, Tensor], block_dim: int = -3):
from linear_operator.operators.diag_linear_operator import DiagLinearOperator
if cls is BlockDiagLinearOperator and isinstance(base_linear_op, DiagLinearOperator):
if block_dim != -3:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Passing a base_linear_op of type DiagLinearOperator to the constructor of "
f"BlockDiagLinearOperator with block_dim = {block_dim} != -3 is not supported."
diag = base_linear_op._diag.flatten(-2, -1) # flatten last two dimensions of diag
return DiagLinearOperator(diag)
return type.__call__(cls, base_linear_op, block_dim)
class BlockDiagLinearOperator(BlockLinearOperator, metaclass=_MetaBlockDiagLinearOperator):
Represents a lazy tensor that is the block diagonal of square matrices.
The :attr:`block_dim` attribute specifies which dimension of the base LinearOperator
specifies the blocks.
For example, (with `block_dim=-3` a `k x n x n` tensor represents `k` `n x n` blocks (a `kn x kn` matrix).
A `b x k x n x n` tensor represents `k` `b x n x n` blocks (a `b x kn x kn` batch matrix).
:attr:`base_linear_op` (LinearOperator or Tensor):
Must be at least 3 dimensional.
:attr:`block_dim` (int):
The dimension that specifies the blocks.
def __init__(self, base_linear_op, block_dim=-3):
super().__init__(base_linear_op, block_dim)
# block diagonal is restricted to have square diagonal blocks
if self.base_linear_op.shape[-1] != self.base_linear_op.shape[-2]:
raise RuntimeError(
"base_linear_op must be a batch of square matrices, but non-batch dimensions are "
def num_blocks(self) -> int:
return self.base_linear_op.size(-3)
def _add_batch_dim(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch1 M P"], other: Float[torch.Tensor, "*batch2 N C"]
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "batch2 ... C"]:
*batch_shape, num_rows, num_cols = other.shape
batch_shape = list(batch_shape)
other = other.view(*batch_shape, num_rows // self.num_blocks, num_cols)
return other
def _cholesky(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], upper: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]:
from linear_operator.operators.triangular_linear_operator import TriangularLinearOperator
chol = self.__class__(self.base_linear_op.cholesky(upper=upper))
return TriangularLinearOperator(chol, upper=upper)
def _cholesky_solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
rhs: Union[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N M"]],
upper: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N M"], Float[Tensor, "... N M"]]:
rhs = self._add_batch_dim(rhs)
res = self.base_linear_op._cholesky_solve(rhs, upper=upper)
res = self._remove_batch_dim(res)
return res
def _diagonal(self: Float[LinearOperator, "... M N"]) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... N"]:
res = self.base_linear_op._diagonal().contiguous()
return res.view(*self.batch_shape, self.size(-1))
def _get_indices(self, row_index: IndexType, col_index: IndexType, *batch_indices: IndexType) -> torch.Tensor:
# Figure out what block the row/column indices belong to
row_index_block = torch.div(row_index, self.base_linear_op.size(-2), rounding_mode="floor")
col_index_block = torch.div(col_index, self.base_linear_op.size(-1), rounding_mode="floor")
# Find the row/col index within each block
row_index = row_index.fmod(self.base_linear_op.size(-2))
col_index = col_index.fmod(self.base_linear_op.size(-1))
# If the row/column blocks do not agree, then we have off diagonal elements
# These elements should be zeroed out
res = self.base_linear_op._get_indices(row_index, col_index, *batch_indices, row_index_block)
res = res * torch.eq(row_index_block, col_index_block).type_as(res)
return res
def _remove_batch_dim(self, other):
shape = list(other.shape)
del shape[-3]
shape[-2] *= self.num_blocks
other = other.reshape(*shape)
return other
def _root_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"]
) -> Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... N N"], Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"]]:
return self.__class__(self.base_linear_op._root_decomposition())
def _root_inv_decomposition(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
initial_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
test_vectors: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> Union[Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N N"]]:
return self.__class__(self.base_linear_op._root_inv_decomposition(initial_vectors))
def _size(self) -> torch.Size:
shape = list(self.base_linear_op.shape)
shape[-2] *= shape[-3]
shape[-1] *= shape[-3]
del shape[-3]
return torch.Size(shape)
def _solve(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "... N N"],
rhs: Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
preconditioner: Optional[Callable[[Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"]], Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"]]] = None,
num_tridiag: Optional[int] = 0,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
Float[torch.Tensor, "... N C"],
Float[torch.Tensor, "..."], # Note that in case of a tuple the second term size depends on num_tridiag
if num_tridiag:
return super()._solve(rhs, preconditioner, num_tridiag=num_tridiag)
rhs = self._add_batch_dim(rhs)
res = self.base_linear_op._solve(rhs, preconditioner, num_tridiag=None)
res = self._remove_batch_dim(res)
return res
def inv_quad_logdet(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
inv_quad_rhs: Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch N M"], Float[Tensor, "*batch N"]]] = None,
logdet: Optional[bool] = False,
reduce_inv_quad: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Float[Tensor, " *batch"], Float[Tensor, " 0"]]],
Optional[Float[Tensor, "..."]],
if inv_quad_rhs is not None:
inv_quad_rhs = self._add_batch_dim(inv_quad_rhs)
inv_quad_res, logdet_res = self.base_linear_op.inv_quad_logdet(
inv_quad_rhs, logdet, reduce_inv_quad=reduce_inv_quad
if inv_quad_res is not None and inv_quad_res.numel():
if reduce_inv_quad:
inv_quad_res = inv_quad_res.view(*self.base_linear_op.batch_shape)
inv_quad_res = inv_quad_res.sum(-1)
inv_quad_res = inv_quad_res.view(*self.base_linear_op.batch_shape, inv_quad_res.size(-1))
inv_quad_res = inv_quad_res.sum(-2)
if logdet_res is not None and logdet_res.numel():
logdet_res = logdet_res.view(*logdet_res.shape).sum(-1)
return inv_quad_res, logdet_res
def matmul(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch M N"],
other: Union[Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N P"], Float[Tensor, "*batch2 N"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch2 N P"]],
) -> Union[Float[Tensor, "... M P"], Float[Tensor, "... M"], Float[LinearOperator, "... M P"]]:
from linear_operator.operators.diag_linear_operator import DiagLinearOperator
# this is trivial if we multiply two BlockDiagLinearOperator with matching block sizes
if isinstance(other, BlockDiagLinearOperator) and self.base_linear_op.shape == other.base_linear_op.shape:
return BlockDiagLinearOperator(self.base_linear_op @ other.base_linear_op)
# special case if we have a DiagLinearOperator
if isinstance(other, DiagLinearOperator):
# matmul is going to be cheap because of the special casing in DiagLinearOperator
diag_reshape = other._diag.view(*self.base_linear_op.shape[:-1])
diag = DiagLinearOperator(diag_reshape)
return BlockDiagLinearOperator(self.base_linear_op @ diag)
return super().matmul(other)
def _svd(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]
) -> Tuple[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"], Float[Tensor, "... N"], Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"]]:
U, S, V = self.base_linear_op.svd()
# Doesn't make much sense to sort here, o/w we lose the structure
S = S.reshape(*S.shape[:-2], S.shape[-2:].numel())
# can assume that block_dim is -3 here
U = self.__class__(U)
V = self.__class__(V)
return U, S, V
def _symeig(
self: Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N N"],
eigenvectors: bool = False,
return_evals_as_lazy: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> Tuple[Float[Tensor, "*batch M"], Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "*batch N M"]]]:
evals, evecs = self.base_linear_op._symeig(eigenvectors=eigenvectors)
# Doesn't make much sense to sort here, o/w we lose the structure
evals = evals.reshape(*evals.shape[:-2], evals.shape[-2:].numel())
if eigenvectors:
evecs = self.__class__(evecs) # can assume that block_dim is -3 here
evecs = None
return evals, evecs